电脑状态 休眠 睡眠 关机等区别

👌 2021-04-22 电脑状态 休眠 睡眠 关机等区别


Does not turn off your computer. It puts the computer and all peripherals on a low power consumption mode. If the battery runs out or the computer turns off for some reason, the current session and unsaved changes will be lost.



Sleep mode is a power saving state that is similar to pausing a DVD movie. All actions on the computer are stopped, any open documents and applications are put in memory while the computer goes into a low-power state. The computer technically stays on, but only uses a bit of power. You can quickly resume normal, full-power operation within a few seconds. Sleep mode is basically the same thing as “Standby” mode.

Sleep mode is useful if you want to stop working for a short period of time. The computer doesn’t use much power in Sleep mode, but it does use some. Hibernate

睡眠模式与「待机」模式基本相同。 睡眠模式是一种省电状态,类似于暂停 DVD 电影或者暂停 CD 机、磁带机。当计算机进入低功耗状态时,计算机上的所有操作都将停止,所有打开的文档和应用程序都将放入内存。从技术上讲,这台电脑是开着的,但只消耗一点电。您可以在几秒钟内快速恢复正常、满功率运行。


saves the state of your computer to the hard disk and completely powers off. When resuming, the saved state is restored to RAM.


Hibernate mode is very similar to sleep, but instead of saving your open documents and running applications to your RAM, it saves them to your hard disk. This allows your computer to turn off entirely, which means once your computer is in Hibernate mode, it uses zero power. Once the computer is powered back on, it will resume everything where you left off. It just takes a bit longer to resume than sleep mode does (though with an SSD, the difference isn’t as noticeable as it is with traditional hard drives).

Hibernate 模式与 sleep 非常相似,但它不会将打开的文档和正在运行的应用程序保存到 RAM 中,而是将它们保存到硬盘中。这允许您的计算机完全关闭,这意味着一旦您的计算机处于休眠模式,它使用零功率。一旦电脑重新开机,它将恢复您中断的所有操作。它只需要比睡眠模式长一点就可以恢复「对于SSD,这种差异不像传统硬盘那样明显」。

Use this mode if you won’t be using your laptop for an extended period of time, and you don’t want to close your documents.


Hybrid Sleep「混合睡眠」

Hybrid Sleep mode is a combination of the Sleep and Hibernate modes meant for desktop computers. It puts any open documents and applications in memory and on your hard disk, and then puts your computer into a low-power state, allowing you to quickly wake the computer and resume your work. The Hybrid Sleep mode is enabled by default in Windows on desktop computers and disabled on laptops. When enabled, it automatically puts your computer into Hybrid Sleep mode when you put it into Sleep mode.

Hybrid Sleep mode is useful for desktop computers in case of a power outage. When power resumes, Windows can restore your work from the hard disk, if the memory is not accessible.

混合睡眠模式是指桌面计算机的睡眠模式和休眠模式的组合。它将任何打开的文档和应用程序放入内存和硬盘中,然后将计算机置于低功耗状态,从而使您能够快速唤醒计算机并恢复工作。混合睡眠模式默认在桌面计算机上的Windows中启用,在笔记本电脑上禁用。启用后,当您将计算机置于睡眠模式时,它会自动将计算机置于混合睡眠模式。 混合睡眠模式对于台式计算机在断电时非常有用。当电源恢复时,如果无法访问内存,Windows可以从硬盘还原工作。