Markdown 文档编写语法指北

👌 2020-01-14 Markdown 文档编写语法指北 FileInfo Filename - Markdown Syntax And Writing Specifications Version - v1.2.2001(2020/01/14 ~ 2020/01/15) Author - standuke Email - DescriptionKey - Markdown Syntax And Writing Specifications & Chinese and

macOS or Windows 压缩文件中文件夹中文编码原因导致无法解压

👌 2019-08-07 macOS or Windows 压缩文件中文件夹中文编码原因导致无法解压 Unzip fail when zip contains chinese char on macOS 报错信息: unzip checkdir error cannot create illegal byte sequence 处理方案: 用 ditto 代替 unzip ditto -V -x -k --sequesterRsrc --rsrc FILENAME.ZIP DESTINATIONDIRECTORY 参考资料: